Monday, December 27, 2010

Rubber Stocks

With a few of the good rubber companies in Malaysia, if I have enough bullet, I will wait for the next round of investing in it. Rubber stocks have been facing some knocks lately due to latex soaring prices. With that, the nett profits drop and affected the companies revenue. Everyone is looking at properties bubble, but will there be commodities bubble? Every commodities has been soaring to new high. It'll take a toll on the companies that rely on the commodities. The effect will then be passed to the consumers.

I aim for at least 3 rubber stocks. I have one in mind at this moment, and if it does hit my entry price, I will grab that for sure as my investment. I have telecommunications, petrochemicals, alcohols and REIT as my portfolio. I do hope that I can make some from the rubber stocks. I am just waiting for it to drop, as now it is still dropping.

At the same time, I dropped the idea of iPhone 4. Too many procedures to apply or get one in Singapore. Maybe getting a camera would be more realistic. Would 2011 be a fine run where everyone is predicting a super bull run? Will that last when everything is hitting new high?

I will be changing my SG phone number in 2011 to lessen the cost of it, since prepaid would be more viable for me as I am using less to call out.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Non Stop Wedding Dinner

Finally, final wedding dinner finished. It was a great time meeting friends around. Got good and bad. My newly 6 month's Phone, W995 died all of a sudden. It has to pave way for my iPhone 4, though it's under warranty. I wished not to change SIM card all the time.

It seems that everyone starts to buy house for own stay. I wish to buy 1 too but not at this moment due to high commitment in stocks. Owning Petronas Chemical, Carlsberg, Maxis and SunREIT do give me some liquid appreciation. I wish to invest more before purchasing a property. I wish I can invest another Rm60k into the REIT plays for dividend to support my property purchase in the future. Let the money generate the money for me in REIT play.

It's true that if I borrow 300k loan from the bank for 30 years, I will end up giving the bank 1 free house. So in order to achieve financial stability, I intend to borrow only 60% if there is a way to do that. One of the way is to generate more liquids by stock investments. I just want to settle my house loan in 5 years if there is 100% share appreciation, but that will remains as a goal.

I am positive with Carlsberg share appreciation. It's share price is not just RM6+, but RM8+. With it's Carlsberg Singapore generating more income, I believe there is more room for growth it purchases other brands as well to fight against it's competitors. The only bad side would be the sin tax impose on it is very high. Hope that the Malaysian government do think of the consequences by raising the alcohol sin tax.

In 2011, I will have iPhone 4, Nikon D7000 (end of January), Jay Chou concert (March) and Lasik (April), as the short term gratitude. I wish that I can finish learning all the work related stuff. There are lots more to learn. Learning just never finish. I downloaded a few books that's worth few hundreds. I need to strengthen myself with knowledges. After that, I plan for a vacation in September, October or November. Taiwan, HK, Korea or Japan or maybe any other countries that I want to visit for the 1st time.

As for properties, just wait and see how is my liquidity goes. I intend to up my assets instead of liabilities. I need to generate passive incomes to finance the properties too, that is my REIT.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Investment 2010

So far, all the investments in 2010 yield positive results. It's an amazing year. I had been following Warren Buffet's idea at this moment. If I have all the bullets around, I will yield more than 50% ROI. I just bought in Petronas Chemical and with the possible news that will bring the company to greater heights. I expect that the price will reach RM10 within 2-3 years, to be in line with the other subsidiaries.

I am now on the lookout for more possible companies that can give me investments return. 2011 is coming and will there be a super bull run?