Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Brand New Day

A quote from somewhere "I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music." And I added mine, thus I crossed the Earth and Sea to reach the new Atlantis after imprisonment in the past for 2 years, to seek enlightenment. I finally reach Atlantis, where I should be heading earlier, yet, better late than never.....

I had been living in the past for 2 years, reflecting what had I lost. In fact, there's nothing to lose. It's just like an investment, though time was spent. Everything is buried down with sands and concrete, to entombed the effects. A sarcophagus was built around to contain the leaks. It's just another chapter in life, and that's the end of Chapter 1. With the life in Atlantis, everything seems hassle and busy, yet, sometimes, I need some relaxation. Maybe I can get a vacation in the next few months, accompanied by my Nikon DSLR D7000, I hope to capture some beautiful moments of nature, that I can see with myself. Maybe travelling alone would be better, for me to enjoy the nature.

Learn from the past, to plan for the present, to better the future. I shall prioritize what, who, where and when. I may seems like running away from something, but, it's due to the sarcophagus, that had contained it.

In investment, I can give advices, but, I would prefer refrain myself from letting anyone giving me their resources to invest for them. I'd seen cases, where blames take course when it fails. When I venture into my 1st mutual fund, I was a risk taker. I know that there will be people who can't take the risk, thus, I advised them not to invest in it. As I was able to withstand the risk, I invested in. There were people blaming me for investing in it while asking them not to invest the same thing. When the economic crisis came, the mutual fund drop to a very low, and took around 2 years, yet, I leverage them down. Right up until now, the price is still low compared to others. From there, I learn a lesson. it's better to ask the person, "what type of investors are you?". Though I made some earnings and losses, it's a lesson to learn too.

Here, I present a song from Jay Chou: 说了再见

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Earthquake shake Japan with a 8.9 magnitude scalar Richter. When I watched those videos, I realized that many unexpected things can happen to our life. Thus, I think maybe I should do something with my life. It has been dull all this moment. I need to think. After my lasik, I will complete the unfinished task that has been planned recently. I shall need to make a timetable to plan my time wisely when I am at home.

With the coming chess tournament in Singapore, I shall need to train 2 hours during the weekends. I shall strengthen my Queen's Gambit, Sicillian Dragpn and Semi Slav to the next level. If there is a chance where if I can hit my goal, I shall play chess forever. That's my dream.

Whenever I play chess, if I lose a game to the unfamiliar openings for me, I will checked it in the chessbase and learn how to refute it. Time is so precious that, I finally need to up my investment knowledge. I should set my goal in investments too.