Monday, April 18, 2011

Never Give Up

It took me 2 years to do soul searching about life. There were ups and downs. It was hard then, till I manage to get my first FIDE rating, 1862. Though, it was not high, but it was an achievement that I believe I can do it. I even ran 12KM on 10th April, though I had leg cramped, I still continue my journey till the finish line. I'd seen many things and listen to many stories about life misery.

For example on love. It takes 2 to dance a tango, but it needs deep trust towards each other too. One must not throw the temper to the other half, if there's any misunderstandings or arguments. How many would be able to hold the temper? I believe it's 1% guys out there can do that. It's better to resolve any conflicts amicably.

For those in relationship. Cherish every seconds and be grateful with what you own now. Humans always think that the grass is greener on the other side of the field. It's always assumption. Don't assume.

For those who break up. Be strong. It's not the end of the world. There's a lot more of great things to achieve, than hanging on to the past. Cry it out loud and you will feel relieve after that. If the person does not cherish you for who you are, then you must treasure yourself, friends and family around you, for they will be there for you.

Everyday is a learning process. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. The hope is not about barking on the return of the past, but to walk in the present. The hope is at the present, about what you have now, who would cherish you.

Listen to the songs below and understand that, it's a learning process. There'll be always someone who cherish you.