Friday, May 22, 2009


Love isn't about material or how great a person is. It comes from a feeling. The feeling that is hard to explain. Is love bound by materials nowadays? I for sure despise such an act. Probably it's for their own security, but one day, God will ask. The greed that blindfolded the love, may prove that the relationship will sour if one day, they suffer material losses.

I am now on the way to create more chances to create wealth. I don't want to attract people with my wealth. I want to learn more. If someone really in the relationship now, ask yourself several questions:
1. Why do you love a person?
2. What is the meaning of wealth to you?
3. Is richness really that important?
4. Do you like to do comparison?

I shall answer that from different point of view....


Unknown said...

So, why are you trying to make more money if money doesn't mean much to you? WHy are you often times talking about how to create wealth and buying a house if it is meaningless? You're contradicting yourself in every blog you write!

kl-rat said...

well, something make me realise that dreams and reality are different. it's not contradicting.

wealth is not just about money, but the inner self too. Without inner self, no matter how much you earn, you will fight aimlessly.

I try to make more money not for myself but for my future one, if i have one. Once I realise that house prices keep on increasing, I need to secure one house for the future. Wealth is not about money itself. Wealth got many meanings in it.

Coz of something happen in the past...