Monday, March 22, 2010

Leaving to Work in Singapore 8mths ++

I must thank many people for giving me the support and trust. So many things happened during the past that I want to leave the country for a moment to seek my true self. My company gave me chances to go outside to learn more things and thus I shall take this opportunity to wipe all the past memories and re-seek myself, transform into a more developed person. I am grateful that CHESS accompanies me when I am up or down. Through that, I am able to stand up for every downs I faced in the past.

I want to seek more knowledge and gain more confidence in life. I want to see the outside world and share experiences. I used to put LOVE as the 1st priority, but ever since then, it was gone in the air or reside in the 3rd placing after FAMILY and CAREER. My vows stop after something was achieved and the time to proceed to next level begins long ago.

I may look tough previously, but which wasn't, but with the supports around, I am able to go through it. Thank you everyone, and if you feel that you are the One this thanks go to, that's you.

It was the day I sang in the Karaoke yesterday, I realized that I no longer sing the Sad and broken hearted songs. I had evolved into a different person.

Life evolves to other stages, the moment the vows meet the requirements. It's the moment to proceed to New Life... Never Give Up...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FIDE March 2010 Released!!!

I saw the FIDE Rating list today at . I shall retire from FIDE Rated tournaments. It's really taxing to be sitting there 4 hours just to complete a game. As long as the rating is above 1800, that's fine for me. With this, I had achieved one of my goal.

I read a statement from somewhere that says "Poor people has dreams, rich people has goals." That's what makes the difference in investments. No pain no gain. I would play solid and safety ways just like my preferences in chess, Queen's Gambit, Semi-Slav and Sicillian.

2010 Resolutions is not a dream but goals!!!

Goal 1: Accumulate resources to invest.
Goal 2: Achieve career growth.

With this I officially RETIRED FROM FIDE RATED TOURNAMENTS!!!! Goodbye FIDE....If there is anyone looking for me to teach their children to play chess, I am willing to...but charge minimal fees of course... :)