Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FIDE March 2010 Released!!!

I saw the FIDE Rating list today at http://ratings.fide.com/card.phtml?event=5706653 . I shall retire from FIDE Rated tournaments. It's really taxing to be sitting there 4 hours just to complete a game. As long as the rating is above 1800, that's fine for me. With this, I had achieved one of my goal.

I read a statement from somewhere that says "Poor people has dreams, rich people has goals." That's what makes the difference in investments. No pain no gain. I would play solid and safety ways just like my preferences in chess, Queen's Gambit, Semi-Slav and Sicillian.

2010 Resolutions is not a dream but goals!!!

Goal 1: Accumulate resources to invest.
Goal 2: Achieve career growth.

With this I officially RETIRED FROM FIDE RATED TOURNAMENTS!!!! Goodbye FIDE....If there is anyone looking for me to teach their children to play chess, I am willing to...but charge minimal fees of course... :)

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