Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brian's Autumn's Concerto 2

Today I saw this quote: Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly. It's true especially when you fall in love with someone that can really blind the vision of every weaknesses. Every weaknesses become strengths. But how far can this statement be. Someone told me this "Don't stand too near to the tree, try to walk few steps behind, look at the leaves, fruits... is it worth for you to sacrifice? Look around you, you deserve better one" This powerful words made me awake all of a sudden as if being hypnotized for so long. This magical words really made up my mind instantly. From there, I made my first step to walk even further ahead.

It's already September and few more months, it's going to be 2011. My new resolutions would be:
1. Clearing all my PTPTN debts in Dec 2010
2. Clearing all my car loan in Jan 2011 or November 2010
3. Invest 50% in Shares, Save 40% in Savings (house), Spend 10% (vacations) every 3 months.
4. Vacation to HK / Taiwan (if got GF, sponsor her go as well - 1st promise)
5. Get an iPhone 4
6. Dato' Arthur Tan Chess Championship (Merdeka) or Selangor Open 2011 (May)
7. Amass more REITs for Dividend play
8. Open Singapore bank account - Feb 2011.
9. Get bro a LCD / LED TV as house warming in May.

Maybe there are few more that I can't think of them now. The day I decided to call it quits, would be the day I turned from a moth to a butterfly. I looked for investment chances around and now I am ready for global investment chances. Learning bit by bit, day by day.

In Nov 15 and 16, I have to go back to cancel some of my credit cards. I intend to have only 1 credit card and not to use it unless necessary.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Brian's Autumn's Concerto

I spent 3 years working as fugitive in UM, trying for soul searching. Men worries about 4 things: Love, Family, Career and Financial. I used to put Love as the 1st priority over the others, till someone gave me a precious quote that changed my whole world in 2007. I still remember vividly the day I was at the Sukan Antara Staf-staf Universiti Malaysia, in Perlis, I had to fight 11 rounds against my opponents. That time, my mind was not in a good state as I was considering whether should I drop the idea. The thinking made me a cruel-some beast on the board, where I won 7.5 / 11 points. When I was on my way back to KL, I didn't sleep much on the bus, that I gave myself a final chance. It was my birthday during that travel time, in the end, I decided to put a full stop to it. I buried all the promises in the graveyard. From then on, I choose chess as my best friend, whom I shall speak to, for I managed to get my FIDE rating in 2010.

During the past 3 years, I searched what's the reason I live for. I started to learn what is investment. Some losses and some winnings, that's part of the price for learning real life experiences. After all the long journey, it's like a long winded road, which I should have taken it long time ago. I should have put career as my 1st priority from the early. I realized that life is not just like a screensaver. There are obstacles everywhere that I need to go through. I should have come to Singapore early for my career advancement. With this, I thank those who had given me the moral support when I was feeling lowest in my life. You just know who you were.

Today I watched Taiwan drama, Autumn's Concerto. It's a very touching drama that I wept over it. I realized how fortunate we are. Be grateful for what we have. It's about love. The feeling that I have lost touch for a very long time. My main priority now is to build a fortune. Hopefully I can settle my car loan and PTPTN within 5-6 months. It's best if I can paid them up fast. Whatever is borrowed, must be paid back. That's the policy to be a human. If I ever come across Love again, I will see the person's personality. Sometimes, the one a person marries is not the one he/she loves the most.

In 2011, I have readied my resolutions. Wait for the next postings.......... To be continued..