Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ending of 2011 - Change

2011 will come to an end in a few weeks time. There were several ups and downs in this 2011.

As usual, it was very busy sometimes. Rushing for deadlines and last minutes requests. Sometimes, work can be done fast if there's some proper coordination among the communication levels. The most important aspect in team is the teamwork. When in team, it's important to have "We" spirits in it and not "I". I would never want to collaborate with someone who had the "I" mindset, as it will bring down the whole task. I for sure would not want to bring problems to the team, by trying to fulfil what is given.

I'd fulfilled several of my resolutions for 2011. Now I have my D7000, it's time for me to plan for vacations. Looking for friends who want to travel around. I wanted to capture the moments of joy and friendship through the lenses. Though I have yet to fully master all the functions, I will try to learn slowly, due to working environment.

As for iPhone 4, I would change it to 2012 resolution by having Galaxy Notes. Most probably in Jan. In January, I will quit certain things, to focus on the finance after purchasing my Galaxy Notes. It's usage is for Share trading especially if I am in the MRT. I would like to have a bigger screen, so that I can read newspapers early morning.

I'd performed lasik in April. So far, everything is OK. It's just that, my eyes tend to get tired easily. Sometimes, I need a break after staring at the computer for 2 hours. I will go back to Malaysia next year for a yearly check up. Eyes is the window to the world. For 2011, I'd spent a lot on myself so that I can use it in 2012.

Starting tomorrow onwards, I shall cut on certain calories, and bring in more fruits and vegetables to my menu. It's time to do some exercise to keep healthy and fresh. I need a change of lifestyle, for how many 10 years do we have in life? As I'd someone in mind, it's best for me to shed lots of weight.

Resolutions 2012:
1. Samsung Galaxy Notes - January
2. Increase dividend shares.
3. Vacations.
4. Clear my PTPTN debts 100%.
5. Initiate online business.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life in Singapore 3: September 2011

Suddenly I have the urge of writing blog. It has been a long time not updating this blog.
It is my 1.5 years in Singapore. I had gone through ups and downs in career. There are so many things to learn. I was given the chances to learn, at the same time, adapt to the fast paced life struggle.

I am glad that I took the chance to go to Singapore. I supposed to have run to Singapore in 2008, if I had soul searched myself earlier. Better late than never. During the years here, I realized that we should have created our own backdoor. Starting this Sunday, I shall create my own backdoor so that whenever there's world economy crisis, I will be able to withstand the typhoons. I am trying to achieve my first financial security by 2012. Then I shall make my 2012 resolutions.

In Love, just let the fate destined who shall I meet with. For the past, I wished her happiness in life and let bygone be bygone. Honestly, I deserved someone better. That's the positive side during the soul searching. I should be thankful that I wasn't the one as destined. I made the right choice as well, when I decided to walk away. I did soul searching from 2007-2010. Now, I am a much better man. I shall pour my 100% love to the deserved one.

I am grateful to my company that gave me this chances to be abroad, and I managed to forget those sadness that plagued me for 3 years. Now, I am enjoying what I do freely. Hope to see myself at the top of the world.

In Chess, I just enjoy myself by beating rated players. I don't care whether win or lose, but the feeling of being noted as a rated player slayer would be my aim. I have another tournament this coming October.

To be continue...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Own Game of The Month

This is my first win over a higher rated player in my list. I was attacked, but I solved every problems like solving a puzzle.

[Event "Thomson Tournament"]

[Date "2011.06.05"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Poh Heng, Tan"]
[Black "Boon Why, Lee"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B56"]
[WhiteElo "2139"]
[BlackElo "1862"]
[EventDate "2011.06.05"]
[EventRounds "3"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Bb5 Bd7 7. O-O g6 8.
Bg5 Bg7 9. Qd2 O-O 10. Nxc6 Bxc6 11. Bxc6 bxc6 12. Rad1 Qb6 13. b3 Rfe8 14. Qd3
Nd7 15. Na4 Qb7 16. c4 Ne5 17. Qc2 c5 18. Nc3 Nc6 19. Be3 Bd4 20. Nd5 Bxe3 21.
fxe3 Ne5 22. Rf4 Kg7 23. Rdf1 f6 24. Rh4 g5 25. Rh3 Rh8 26. Qe2 Raf8 27. Rg3 e6
28. Nf4 Kf7 29. Qh5+ Ke7 30. Nh3 Qxe4 31. Nf2 Qg6 32. Qd1 f5 33. b4 cxb4 34.
Qa4 Rd8 35. Qxa7+ Rd7 36. Qd4 Rc8 37. Rc1 Rdc7 38. Rd1 Nxc4 39. e4 e5 40. Qd5
f4 41. Rh3 Ne3 42. Rxh7+ Qxh7 43. Qxd6+ Kf7 44. Nd3 Nxd1 45. Nxe5+ Kg7 46. Nd7
Qg6 47. Qe5+ Kh6 48. Nf6 Ne3 49. h3 Rc1+ 50. Kh2 R8c2 51. Ng4+ Nxg4+ 0-1


1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6

{ B56 Sicilian Defense: Classical Variation }

6. Bb5 Bd7 7. O-O g6 8. Bg5 Bg7 9. Qd2 O-O 10. Nxc6 Bxc6 11. Bxc6 bxc6 12. Rad1 Qb6 13. b3 Rfe8 14. Qd3 Nd7 15. Na4 Qb7 16. c4 Ne5?!

{ (0.10 → 0.68) Inaccuracy. Best move was c5. }
(16... c5 17. Qd2 Nb8 18. Rfe1 Nc6 19. Be3 Qb4 20. Qc1 Reb8 21. h3 Qb7 22. Qd2 Qb4 23. Qd3) 17. Qc2?!

{ (0.68 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Best move was Qh3. }
(17. Qh3 Qd7 18. Qg3 Qg4 19. Qxg4 Nxg4 20. f3 Nf6 21. Be3 Nd7 22. c5 Nxc5 23. Nxc5 dxc5)

17... c5 18. Nc3 Nc6 19. Be3?!
{ (0.00 → -0.62) Inaccuracy. Best move was Na4. }
 (19. Na4 Nb4 20. Qe2 Rab8 21. Rfe1 Rec8 22. Bf4 Nc6 23. Qd2 h5 24. Be3 Qb4 25. Qc1 Qb7) 19... Bd4?!
{ (-0.62 → 0.15) Inaccuracy. Best move was Nb4. }
(19... Nb4 20. Qd2 Bxc3 21. Qxc3 Qxe4 22. Bh6 f6 23. Rfe1 Qf5 24. Rd2 Nc6 25. Rd5 Qd7 26. Rdd1) 20. Nd5?!
{ (0.15 → -0.36) Inaccuracy. Best move was Bxd4. }
(20. Bxd4 Nxd4 21. Qd3 Rf8 22. Rfe1 Rad8 23. Nb5 e5 24. Nc3 f5 25. exf5 gxf5 26. Qh3 Qg7) 20... Bxe3 21. fxe3 Ne5 22. Rf4 Kg7 23. Rdf1 f6 24. Rh4 g5 25. Rh3 Rh8 26. Qe2 Raf8 27. Rg3?!
{ (-0.40 → -1.21) Inaccuracy. Best move was Nf4. }
(27. Nf4 Rfg8) 27... e6 28. Nf4 Kf7 29. Qh5+?!

{ (-0.57 → -1.26) Inaccuracy. Best move was Nh5. }
(29. Nh5 Ke7 30. Qc2 h6 31. Rd1 a5 32. Rh3 Qb6 33. Rf1 Qa6 34. Rb1 Kd7 35. Rd1 a4)

29... Ke7 30. Nh3 Qxe4 31. Nf2 Qg6 32. Qd1 f5 33. b4 cxb4 34. Qa4 Rd8?!
{ (-1.07 → -0.18) Inaccuracy. Best move was Ra8. }
(34... Ra8 35. Qxb4) 35. Qxa7+?
{ (-0.18 → -1.68) Mistake. Best move was c5. }
(35. c5 dxc5 36. Qxa7+ Nd7 37. Rd1 Rhf8 38. Qb7 Rf7 39. e4 Ke8 40. Rgd3 g4 41. Qc6 e5)

35... Rd7 36. Qd4 Rc8 37. Rc1?!
{ (-1.81 → -2.47) Inaccuracy. Best move was c5. }
(37. c5 Rxc5 38. Qxb4 Rc2 39. a4 Rc4 40. Qb3 Rdc7 41. Rd1 Rc1 42. a5 g4 43. Rxc1 Rxc1+)

37... Rdc7 38. Rd1 Nxc4 39. e4?
{ (-2.30 → -3.46) Mistake. Best move was Nd3. }
 (39. Nd3 e5 40. Qd5 h5 41. h4 g4 42. Nxb4 Kf8 43. e4 f4 44. Rc3 Ne3 45. Rxc7 Rxc7)

39... e5?
{ (-3.46 → -1.91) Mistake. Best move was f4. }
(39... f4 40. Rb3 e5 41. Qd3 Ne3 42. Re1 Rc4 43. h3 h5 44. Qb1 R4c7 45. Rxb4 Nc2 46. a4)

40. Qd5??
{ (-1.91 → -5.84) Blunder. Best move was exf5. }
(40. exf5 exd4 41. fxg6 Ne3 42. Re1 hxg6 43. Rxg5 Rc1 44. Nd3 Rxe1+ 45. Nxe1 Rc3 46. Kf2 Ra3)

40... f4 41. Rh3?!
{ (-5.54 → -6.08) Inaccuracy. Best move was Rgd3. }
(41. Rgd3 Ne3 42. Qa5 Nxd1 43. Rxd1 Rc1 44. Qxb4 Qe6 45. Qb2 Qc4 46. Qd2 Rxd1+ 47. Nxd1 Qxe4)

41... Ne3 42. Rxh7+??
{ (-5.77 → -9.18) Blunder. Best move was Rxe3. }
(42. Rxe3 fxe3 43. Nd3 Qe6 44. Qxe6+ Kxe6 45. Re1 Rc3 46. Nxb4 R3c4 47. Nd5 Rxe4 48. Nxe3 d5)

42... Qxh7 43. Qxd6+ Kf7 44. Nd3?
{ (-8.10 → -13.62) Mistake. Best move was Re1. }
(44. Re1 Qg6) 44... Nxd1 45. Nxe5+ Kg7 46. Nd7 Qg6 47. Qe5+ Kh6 48. Nf6?!

{ (-20.95 → Mate in 7) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Best move was h3. }
(48. h3 Rxd7 49. Qb5 Rd4 50. a4 bxa3 51. Kh2 a2 52. Qa5 Rc2 53. Qa8 Rxg2+ 54. Kh1 Qxe4) 48... Ne3 49. h3 Rc1+ 50. Kh2 R8c2?!

{ (Mate in 3 → Mate in 7) Not the best checkmate sequence.
Best move was Nf1+. } (50... Nf1+ 51. Kg1 Ng3+ 52. Kh2 Rh1#) 51. Ng4+ Nxg4+ 0-1

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Resolution 2011: Lasik Done

I performed my Lasik on April 21. I need around 1-3 months to be fully recuperate from it. I achieved one of my mission. Now my next mission is to complete my Chess training and achieve some good results in Singapore. I will play a tournament in June 4th and 5th at the Thompson Community Center. I have been slacking off lately due to the Lasik, either in work, chess and my project. My eyes get tired easily as it's not fully recovered. I guess I have to do some catch up for missing from work for 2 weeks due to this.

As for my goal in chess this year is to recover back my insights, I hope that I can break 2000 in the near future. There are so many things to learn. I learnt from playing blitz and mistakes. I knew I had played it before but, due to time hindrance, I just forgot about those theories. Maybe work has take a toll on my chess performance.

At the same time, it's time to start my project this Saturday. I promised someone about it, so I must complete it.
It's part of the investment. Time investment in project.

What's next for me after this, I guess: Investments in stocks/shares would be my ultimate goal.

As for relationship, well, just depends on fate. If destined to be with someone, then let it be. From then onwards, all I need is just doing some time separation for my chess, work, project and relationship. Deep down there, I need someone who would cherish, support and understand me. I am lucky that I have my buddy, Chess, to accompany me, no matter where I go, I enjoy myself in tournaments or just a simple trainings.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Never Give Up

It took me 2 years to do soul searching about life. There were ups and downs. It was hard then, till I manage to get my first FIDE rating, 1862. Though, it was not high, but it was an achievement that I believe I can do it. I even ran 12KM on 10th April, though I had leg cramped, I still continue my journey till the finish line. I'd seen many things and listen to many stories about life misery.

For example on love. It takes 2 to dance a tango, but it needs deep trust towards each other too. One must not throw the temper to the other half, if there's any misunderstandings or arguments. How many would be able to hold the temper? I believe it's 1% guys out there can do that. It's better to resolve any conflicts amicably.

For those in relationship. Cherish every seconds and be grateful with what you own now. Humans always think that the grass is greener on the other side of the field. It's always assumption. Don't assume.

For those who break up. Be strong. It's not the end of the world. There's a lot more of great things to achieve, than hanging on to the past. Cry it out loud and you will feel relieve after that. If the person does not cherish you for who you are, then you must treasure yourself, friends and family around you, for they will be there for you.

Everyday is a learning process. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. The hope is not about barking on the return of the past, but to walk in the present. The hope is at the present, about what you have now, who would cherish you.

Listen to the songs below and understand that, it's a learning process. There'll be always someone who cherish you.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Brand New Day

A quote from somewhere "I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music." And I added mine, thus I crossed the Earth and Sea to reach the new Atlantis after imprisonment in the past for 2 years, to seek enlightenment. I finally reach Atlantis, where I should be heading earlier, yet, better late than never.....

I had been living in the past for 2 years, reflecting what had I lost. In fact, there's nothing to lose. It's just like an investment, though time was spent. Everything is buried down with sands and concrete, to entombed the effects. A sarcophagus was built around to contain the leaks. It's just another chapter in life, and that's the end of Chapter 1. With the life in Atlantis, everything seems hassle and busy, yet, sometimes, I need some relaxation. Maybe I can get a vacation in the next few months, accompanied by my Nikon DSLR D7000, I hope to capture some beautiful moments of nature, that I can see with myself. Maybe travelling alone would be better, for me to enjoy the nature.

Learn from the past, to plan for the present, to better the future. I shall prioritize what, who, where and when. I may seems like running away from something, but, it's due to the sarcophagus, that had contained it.

In investment, I can give advices, but, I would prefer refrain myself from letting anyone giving me their resources to invest for them. I'd seen cases, where blames take course when it fails. When I venture into my 1st mutual fund, I was a risk taker. I know that there will be people who can't take the risk, thus, I advised them not to invest in it. As I was able to withstand the risk, I invested in. There were people blaming me for investing in it while asking them not to invest the same thing. When the economic crisis came, the mutual fund drop to a very low, and took around 2 years, yet, I leverage them down. Right up until now, the price is still low compared to others. From there, I learn a lesson. it's better to ask the person, "what type of investors are you?". Though I made some earnings and losses, it's a lesson to learn too.

Here, I present a song from Jay Chou: 说了再见

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Earthquake shake Japan with a 8.9 magnitude scalar Richter. When I watched those videos, I realized that many unexpected things can happen to our life. Thus, I think maybe I should do something with my life. It has been dull all this moment. I need to think. After my lasik, I will complete the unfinished task that has been planned recently. I shall need to make a timetable to plan my time wisely when I am at home.

With the coming chess tournament in Singapore, I shall need to train 2 hours during the weekends. I shall strengthen my Queen's Gambit, Sicillian Dragpn and Semi Slav to the next level. If there is a chance where if I can hit my goal, I shall play chess forever. That's my dream.

Whenever I play chess, if I lose a game to the unfamiliar openings for me, I will checked it in the chessbase and learn how to refute it. Time is so precious that, I finally need to up my investment knowledge. I should set my goal in investments too.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This specific lyric has impacted on my life. When the world is tumbling upside down, it blew me to the other side of the world where I must treat myself even better. This song is translated from Jay chou's Tornado. In the end, I left quietly. Listening again from the Concert 2010.

Love is like a gust of wind
It leaves after it has blown
This sort of rhythm
Would frustrate anybody
After I lost you
I lost my soul
Dark clouds are descending
I am dragged along

Quietly, softly, sadly leaving
Sinking deep into danger ? baby
It's like my world has been ripped apart by violent wind and rain

Love came too quickly, just like a tornado
Can't leave the storm and it's too late to escape
I can't think about this again
I can't think about this again
I can't

Love left too quickly just like a tornado
I can't take it and I have no where to hide
I don't want to think about it again
I don't want to think about it again
I don't

I don't want to think about you again

Unknowingly, unfeelingly, you have already left me
Unknowingly, unfeelingly, I follow this rhythm
Looking back, another autumn has passed
Looking back, I should have lived my life better

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi 你不知道的事

I am addicted to this song suddenly.

Lyricist:Leehom Wang & Rui Ye
Composer:Leehom Wang
Director: Leehom Wang

Hu die zha ji chi yan jing
How many times does a butterfly blink
Cai xue hui fei xing
Before it learns to fly?
Ye kong sai man le xing xing
The sky is sprinkled over with countless stars
Dan ji ke hui luo di
But how many there will remain?

我飞行 当你坠落之际
Wo fei xing Dang ni zui luo zhi ji
Even as I fly, you fall
很靠近 还听见呼吸
Hen kao jing Hai ting jian hu xi
So close I can hear you breathe
对不起 我却没捉紧你
Dui bu qi Wo que mei zhuo jin ni
So sorry I didn't keep hold of you

Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
You don't know why I had to leave you
Wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
How could I ignore your every cry
你的泪滴想倾盆大雨 碎落满地
Ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu Sui luo man di
All the while the downpour of your tears shattering the ground
Zai xin li qing xi
So clearly pierced my heart
Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
You don't know why I had to keep away
Pan xuan zai ni kan bu jian de gao kong li
Circling in the sky above, just out of sight
多的是 你不知道的事
Duo de shi Ni bu zi dao de shi
So many are the things you never knew

Hu die zha ji chi yan jing
How many times does a butterfly blink
Cai xue hui fei xing
Before it learns to fly?
Ye kong sai man le xing xing
The sky is sprinkled over with countless stars
Dan ji ke hui luo di
But how many there will remain?

我飞行 当你坠落之际
Wo fei xing Dang ni zui luo zhi ji
Even as I fly, you fall
很靠近 还听见呼吸
Hen kao jing Hai ting jian hu xi
So close I can hear you breathe
对不起 我却没捉紧你
Dui bu qi Wo que mei zhuo jin ni
So sorry I didn't keep hold of you

Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
You don't know why I had to leave you
Wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
How could I ignore your every cry
你的泪滴想倾盆大雨 碎落满地
Ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu Sui luo man di
All the while the downpour of your tears shattering the ground
Zai xin li qing xi
So clearly pierced my heart
Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
You don't know why I had to keep away
Pan xuan zai ni kan bu jian de gao kong li
Circling in the sky above, just out of sight
多的是 你不知道的事
Duo de shi Ni bu zi dao de shi
So many are the things you never knew

我飞行 当你坠落之际
Wo fei xing Dang ni zui luo zhi ji
Even as I fly, you fall
o o

Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
You don't know why I had to leave you
Wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
How could I ignore your every cry
你的泪滴想倾盆大雨 碎落满地
Ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu Sui luo man di
All the while the downpour of your tears shattering the ground
Zai xin li qing xi
So clearly pierced my heart
Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
You don't know why I had to keep away
Pan xuan zai ni kan bu jian de gao kong li
Circling in the sky above, just out of sight
多的是 你不知道的事
Duo de shi Ni bu zi dao de shi
So many are the things you never knew

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I had a very busy day last few days/ weeks ago. I didn't go anywhere for New Year celebration. I was too tired to go to crowded places. All I hope was a good night sleep on Jan 1 and 2, to recharge back my energy. Up till now, I have been coughing for 2 months, due to hectic, non stop task to clear.

The greatest hurdle for me in 2010 was actually to understand on the logics, ever since taking over the tasks. It's actually a nightmare for developers to understand what is not origin from his own writings. There were lots of testing way not written down to assist in the development life cycle. Due to time constraints, lots of the essential testing documentations were not written. Thus, it prohibits any knowledge transfer if there is any. Without that, it will consume many hours trying to figure out what's the logic behind. I need to clear all my backlog and start writing testing documentations in case, there is a handover in the future. I just need more time for that.

I just hope that I won't collapse under this enormous knowledge barrier. Everything needs to be done fast. There's not much time for me to think. So, I need to think of a way to minimize the risk in codes and testing. Nearly 70% of the time is consumed in investigating things that we don't know sometime. I still have many things to learn around.

I have 2 deadly task on hand, and both can be lethal if they come to me at the same time. Which one shall I settle first? I just need more time to teach the new person as well. As a student, I understand the feeling of how it takes time to adapt to the new environment and logics. As a tutor, I understand the student's feeling in learning new things/ logics. Hope that I can get the backup from the new people.

I shall plan my previous annual leaves too, tomorrow. I plan to take 9 days for my Lasik treatment in April. and 4 days separately in March and May. At the same time, I will have to seek the doctor's treatment tomorrow for my cough. Hope it's not something serious.