Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life in Singapore 3: September 2011

Suddenly I have the urge of writing blog. It has been a long time not updating this blog.
It is my 1.5 years in Singapore. I had gone through ups and downs in career. There are so many things to learn. I was given the chances to learn, at the same time, adapt to the fast paced life struggle.

I am glad that I took the chance to go to Singapore. I supposed to have run to Singapore in 2008, if I had soul searched myself earlier. Better late than never. During the years here, I realized that we should have created our own backdoor. Starting this Sunday, I shall create my own backdoor so that whenever there's world economy crisis, I will be able to withstand the typhoons. I am trying to achieve my first financial security by 2012. Then I shall make my 2012 resolutions.

In Love, just let the fate destined who shall I meet with. For the past, I wished her happiness in life and let bygone be bygone. Honestly, I deserved someone better. That's the positive side during the soul searching. I should be thankful that I wasn't the one as destined. I made the right choice as well, when I decided to walk away. I did soul searching from 2007-2010. Now, I am a much better man. I shall pour my 100% love to the deserved one.

I am grateful to my company that gave me this chances to be abroad, and I managed to forget those sadness that plagued me for 3 years. Now, I am enjoying what I do freely. Hope to see myself at the top of the world.

In Chess, I just enjoy myself by beating rated players. I don't care whether win or lose, but the feeling of being noted as a rated player slayer would be my aim. I have another tournament this coming October.

To be continue...

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