Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's pretty true that humans like to assume. I learn that in relationship, if it fails, just click "Next". Is it that hard to click the button? Well, it ain't anymore. I'd proceeded with life searching for other opportunities which is worth while for me to chase, rather than hanging on the impossibilities, for the past years.

During that period, I played shares, unit trusts and part time as well just to search the meaning in life. I am lucky that many supporters out there would give the poll result to me. It was 97 vs 2. Thus, the saying was really meaningful regarding a tree story. I am grateful to that person who said, "Don't stand too near the tree, try to step backward a few step. Have a look at the tree overall. Look around you and see." This magic words unlocked my soul which was trapped for years. Is it worthwhile? Now I know the answer. What I seek is really a different one.

The moment time passed by, my business made me to think objectively. Dare to change and challenge myself. Don't stop just because others fail to do it or do it half way. I have let go of what is consider to be a past. There is no point harping on the past. Life is great with that way.

Like I said, life is just like a chess game. In chess, there are pawns. There will be no U turn once a pawn move is made. There are people who likes to assume which something is not. The glory of the past is still a past. What human should think is NOW and the FUTURE.

The meaning of an eye for an eye: How u treat a person would be reflected by how he treats him/her back. In life, it always take 2 person to do tango. In business, I walk alone, embraces myself with my team, though to have a soul mate to work on it is 10 times easier, but, the goal is meaningful to do it alone. Now, I live happily with no regrets or keeping the past.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Life isn't about comparing each person. Everyone has his/her own capabilities. Why would there people who always compare a person in term of compatibility? Some would compare wealth, outlook and intelligence. If there is such a person who likes to compare and wait for the perfect one, he/she will just wait and wait till the time ends.

I heard a story. A student asked the teacher "What is love?" The teacher told him "Go to the field and pick one beautiful grass that u think is the best. Never U turn back to pick as u go along the field." The student went to the field and follow the instruction till he picked the best grass that he thought so. The moral of the story is that, there will always no U-turn when it's already a past. Sometimes thing that you own, consider best but as you go along, there will be better and better, thus, you will neglect the thing that you own and chose the impossible.

As for me, I'd given up hope on relationship at this moment unless there is someone who enlighten me when I am down, sad or tired. Now all I care is only expanding my business and help out those who really needs help. It's more to symbiosis for the betterment of my people as I need to lead them. Nothing is perfect but perfection comes from the heart. If you treat a person nice without condition, they can feel it whether it is real or fake. I'd seen and felt that. Thus, an eye for an eye.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Losing Job

It is 1am now. Something really bothers me lately. Have anyone ever thought "what's the feeling like when u lose ur job?" I faced that before and nearly fell into that. The feeling was really terrible that it will make you can't sleep through the nite. I kept asking myself: "Why would I want myself to be binded to the job? Is this the life I want? If I am at 40 years old, and it happens to me, what shall I do?" Those were the questions that linger in my mind.

Many people do not think about theur back up plan. They thought that working alone is a satisfaction and a guarantee to live a happy life. Thus, when they reach home, they will just relax, watch TV, eat and finally sleep after a hard work in the office. What happen if this repeat for 20 years? Then suddenly, one of them got fired or down with illness? I am sure that they will say "Luckily I have insurance." The problems are:

1. Do you want to depend on the insurance to take care of the family when you are gone?
2. What's family to you when you don't even have time for them when all you want is working?
3. Do you think that it is sufficient?
4 Do you want to lie down on the bed while the family members suffer from grievences?

They will just say "Ah, it won't happen to me. or I only think about now." Thus, they will only scared when it really happens to them.

Now, I just want to change myself. I don't want to be in such a scenario during the economy crisis in 2009. If it happens every 10 years, what will be my back up plan? That's why I really fight for my business.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Economy is so uncertain nowadays. Everyone is looking for chances in their life. It includes me too. Do people really plan for their back up? If anything happen to them, can they really finance their life? I for sure won't be waiting till the emergency creeps into my life.

Now I found my own way and creating more chances for myself. Ever since I made the best moves in life, I'd been stronger. Ups and downs in life is just a knowledge to gain. There is nothing to be sad of. Just click "Next" when there is a rejection. That's what in biz and life all about. There are people who would always compare people around and think they are very great. They do not look at themselves before judging others. Well, just avoid such a person if there are any because they are really fake in their attitude. The most beautiful person would be a successful person, no matter how he/she looks like as long as his/ her attitude is the genuine him/her that always place others before himself/herself.

To achieve financial independence, I'd geared up my will and effort to achieve my dreams. Don't just talk but do. Now, I am doing it for the sake of my future. I have to remind myself of what I want in life rather than chasing something that is out of my reach. I'd switched from playing d4,c4 to e4, f4 in life practically but not in chess. Sacrificial game is what i play now.

Firstly, I thanked for the "Great Depression" in 2007 that opened up my windows to the world, that I must seek to fulfill my dream alone. Human will only appreciate things they have if they really work hard for it. The glory and fame. Now, I am expanding my network without regrets, to help those in need.