Monday, November 10, 2008


Life isn't about comparing each person. Everyone has his/her own capabilities. Why would there people who always compare a person in term of compatibility? Some would compare wealth, outlook and intelligence. If there is such a person who likes to compare and wait for the perfect one, he/she will just wait and wait till the time ends.

I heard a story. A student asked the teacher "What is love?" The teacher told him "Go to the field and pick one beautiful grass that u think is the best. Never U turn back to pick as u go along the field." The student went to the field and follow the instruction till he picked the best grass that he thought so. The moral of the story is that, there will always no U-turn when it's already a past. Sometimes thing that you own, consider best but as you go along, there will be better and better, thus, you will neglect the thing that you own and chose the impossible.

As for me, I'd given up hope on relationship at this moment unless there is someone who enlighten me when I am down, sad or tired. Now all I care is only expanding my business and help out those who really needs help. It's more to symbiosis for the betterment of my people as I need to lead them. Nothing is perfect but perfection comes from the heart. If you treat a person nice without condition, they can feel it whether it is real or fake. I'd seen and felt that. Thus, an eye for an eye.

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