Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year 2009

New Year 2009 is coming to town. The past 2008 is just a past that could only be remembered.
Learn from the past, to better the present and to plan for the future.

My resolutions for 2009:

1. Finish my master
I have been dragging too long and lost myself in the pool. I have to motivate myself to move on within this 6 months. I'd set my goals and gonna turn myself to a new leaf. I am gonna changed for good.

2. Push my National Chess Rating above 1600.
My love for chess is enormous. Though I may not be the best chess player, but it's the fun and excitement that keeps me awake.

3. Plan and upkeep my finance
I need to plan my finances and see the liquidity. There are too many investments being made and I need to finance a lot of things.

4. Business.
I need to see the priorities of job and my future. I will not give up but I need to slow things down as I need to finish what is unfinished before starting a new project.

5. Plan for a House
I am preparing my finances for the year 2009 and see myself in 2010 whether am I able to own a property of my own. Let's just see.

In this 2009, there is no relationship resolutions as I let what the destiny decides for me. The year shall be a peaceful and full with excitement waiting for me in 2009. Successes is within my hand if i Dare to Dream, Dare to Think and importantly, Dare to Do!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


How do u take rejection? There are many forms of rejection whereas all of it leads to unhappiness. It's easy to be rejected and get hurt. However, how many people can click "Next" when rejection happens? Not many I think. I started to read the book about rejection. There is no point harping on the same objects or issues when rejection occur. I used to be a serious person towards rejection. I take it heavily on my shoulder, but now, due to the book, I started to realise why would I want to harm myself with rejection. It is in our daily life. If you dislike a person, thus u will start to apply self-defence mechanism, and from then on, you will talk badly about the person no matter what he/she does. This is human nature. You will feel anger yourselves and thus, who will fall sick? You or him/her? Of course the answer is you.

I'd never been in relationship, but I do understand how life imitates chess. I'd chased gals before in my life but now, is it important. The most important in life is learning how to get up again after each fall. The present and the future awaits us there. Break up issues is just a normal learning towards preparing everyone to becareful about the future partnership. There is no right or wrong in love or who sacrifice a lot for one another. There is no measurement for that as long as the spices are there.

For those couples, relationship gets dull or bored when they reach 3rd years or 2nd years. Why is it happen to be like that? As they grow older, spending time together, doing the same thing over and over again, will lead to boredom. Girls and guys are 2 different species. Guys will feel bored doing the same thing over and over again, whilst girls will feel sweet about what the other do. Then the worse would be started to compare the other half with other people. Comparison would lead to separation too. It's just a matter of time, like a time bomb.

To be continued..........

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Is health worth RM70? Anyway. I have thought out how to solve it. Just install back the old one by calling a plumber to install another new pipe for sure. That's it. It's fast and easy. I coudn't imagine to see the green slimmy thing inside that pot and someone use to drink from there. Human ony got scared when they really got sick. They can fork out more than RM70 to go out shopping and eat in a day but not for the many months of one filter. How pathethic? Some more, really typical chinese.

I already tested the mineral pot with my water filter. The algae doesn't appear at the mineral pot for 6 months. It appeared many times when the old one was used. I would definately won't drink that algae. That's why I would ask "Is RM70 expensive?" I wonder who that hell use the water filter to wash plates and cups. If want to wash vegetables, at least put the water in the basin first, and not keep the tap open and flow out.

I am lucky to be unsuccessful in the courtship because it's totally different. I thanks the lowyat people for helping me out. Is it worth to be treated like that? The answer is NO!!! I just wouldn't care anymore. There are many people who deserve to be treated good. If u treat a person bad, that person will treat u bad back. It's karma. Nowadays, I despise people who used people for their own benefit. When they need u, they will call u. When they don't need u, they push u away. From now onwards, only certain people deserve good treatment from me. Try to think back at what everyone did that time, and it's totally clear.

When I think back at the past, it's funny that I learn a lesson from there. It's hillarious. I was stupid back then. Lucky that I am awake long time ago. I don't have to explain much because people can read from a person's talking. When they do conversation, the maturity is in the speech made. No matter how u try to explain, they can judge from the way u talk. Those childish point. When u say other people are childish, instead u r the one who is childish.Who would still think back of u then? I definately let go 1 yr ago due to massive supporters giving me outline.

Who is ur real true friend? A real true friend will support you no matter what happen and try to understand problems before sorting them out. They won't bash you like calling u got poison or etc. If a person is successful, the true friend will congratulate him. I am glad that I do have true friend supporting me. True friends never count money with each other that much.Sometimes there are limit in asking for help and never ever cross the mark.

Sometimes it's pathetic when they don't want to get more knowledge. They would rather listen to others instead of trying out themselves. They would just use "My friend said ...", instead of "I try myself ...". That's why they would never ever think out of the box to seek the knowledge. They totally shut out the knowledge. This concept is true: If a human smell a rose, he/she will be happy to accept it. But if he/she smell a shit, they would apply some defense.

I wouldn't mind if they read my blog for I don't need them for my successes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Typical chinese

Do u know what is the meaning of "typical chinese"? It means someone who is not willing to understand things and accept the truth. Is RM70 that expensive? OMFG...this is the answer i got from someone who do not understand that health is more important than money. They can even spend more than that on clothes but not on health. That water treatment is RM3200 and I don't even grumble when I install that for god sake. Yet, they still use it before this.

Even the fridge too, they only place 1/10 of the cost or less than that. Why don't they stop using the fridge as well? I don't care if they see it in my blog or not. I can say that most of the things in the house, fridge, modem, etc, I buy. What have they contribute? NONE!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I met with some new chess friends and it was fun to play with them again. This year's GACC was kind of lesser participants. I played a few games with them and I realized that my attacking was blunt as compared to the past. There was a time when I played real aggressive that I can kill off an opponent. Just as the feeling was gone, the attacking power was gone.

From then onwards, I need to understand back the basic. What is chess? How to play the real game? How to play for win? I lack the power and understanding. I need the motivation again to play if I can get myself a training partner. I need to change myself. Will there be anyone who can change me?

Inside of me, there is an emptiness to fill. The attacking power is blunt. I need a goal. A dream. Hope that this can spur me to move on. I have got to train her as well as to train myself to be in a tip top condition again. GACC 2009. I will be back.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


It's really pathetic when u try to tell someone about the importance of closing the gate everytime he/she goes out and all you got is being ignored or fought back. It's because everytime someone never close the gate and this would create attention to any law breaker. How could someone with higher education level would never think of that? It's really pathetic when they do not admit their own mistakes.

I said: " You did not close the gate when you went out that morning around 6am." And the reply i got: "You also din close last time." I was like pathetic to such an answer because I close the gate everytime I go out. I won't leave it ajar, like inviting people to come in. Hasn't they heard of "precaution is better than cure"? This really make me a bad mood for today.

Else I would scream "what the fuck...i close the gate everytime i go out!!"