Friday, October 29, 2010

October 2010

This month comes to an end soon. I will go to Seremban tomorrow to attend a wedding dinner. It has been a long time since I went to Seremban. Hoping to have the delicious food there. I would like to thank Eve for giving me the tips to load on to Hartalega and made some fortune out of it. I must give her a dinner for that. Hopefully I can make 30% gain from the investments by the end of 2010 through dividends, profits or paper gain.

I am now aiming for another top blue chip that will be listing next month. I expect that it will rise to the occasion as it has all the backings in the Government. I shall go back to KL on Nov 13-17 just because of that. I am expecting 100% return from that investment.

This month, I went to have a beer session with my colleague. There we met a few new friends. A Japanese girl, 2 Londoner friends and 2 locals. It's nothing much, just chit chat and get to know since we were sitting at the same table. I got to sharpen back my Japanese language then. Maybe I will join them for some beer session in the future. They are going to have Halloween Party tomorrow, but too bad, I can't join.

Therefore, I had an exciting paintball with my colleagues. It was fun shooting around. The bosses were great. Some of them were in the NS before. Even a commando played like Rambo. It's quite tiring after that. Then we proceed to have lunch at Upper Thompson. The prata and the mutton curry was very nice. Wish to go to play paintball again if I can find some paintball 'kaki'.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I left the love world ever since I choose $ as my enjoyment, towards the pleasure of generating future's path to young retirement. It always takes 2 to tango, to follow the path together. Yet, I choose to walk alone up till now, till I am tired and achieve half of my dreams. I used to think of giving my heart 100%. Somehow, it's drained and I saw the lights towards the end. The starting has just begun after the ending of a story. It's just like a dream. A long winded dream, that I should wake up long time ago. I wasted my time living in that dream before. Totally 5 years.

I should have come here earlier. If I am alone, i can only find $ a pleasure, but if I am with someone, I would give it all. On 23rd June 2007, I took a deep thought. I made the right move in dismantling the mental block, that has blockaded my sane mind. Never ever sacrifice for something that is in the unknown, unworthy territory. Now I shall play a closed game, Queen's Gambit Declined, a quiet, calm moves, full with positional ideas.

Now, I want to regain back my lost time. I believe I am near to that. I just need to learn more things in the work. I thank those bosses for guiding and be patience with me, as I am still learning more things everyday. If there is no problems, then there would be no job for us. :) Learning just never ends. I hope to learn everything within 2011, and managed my financials in a top condition. If I ever have 1 million, I will make 30% from it. Too bad, that I don't have such amount. Everything needs sacrifices, just whether it's a sound sacrifices or not. Nothing is perfect in this world, but you need to carve the raw diamond into a shining diamond.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Investments' Ideas

Commodities rise a lot for the past few months. Gold, Iron, Oil and etc, rise since 2008. Everyone shift their attention to the commodities, investing in Gold. The world economy is still fragile, but that's where the money lies around. Stocks is no longer one of the option for investors to look at. I for sure, will not leave stocks for commodities investment. I have an idea of playing stocks in Malaysia. REIT is not a new thing but in Malaysia, it's still consider new. With an average return 6-9% yearly for most of the REITs, it's a defensive play instead of investing in Unit Trust. Why want to let people manage the stocks when I myself can manage the REITs myself.

If I have RM1 million, I will put all of it in the REITs separately, in order to earn those dividends quarterly or every 6 months. For an example, RM80k REIT investment, with returns of 8% yearly, returns RM6400 yearly. An estimated RM533 monthly. The REIT appreciations are note accounted yet. It's not much, but it's just an additional pocket money for defensive play. It gives return better than FD, UT and Investment Links.

At this moment, I'd invested quite heavily on blue chips and 1 REIT. I may continue to monitor around. If it drops more in the market, I shall keep on buying as what drops, will rise to the occasion. This idea is only applicable in Malaysia, where blue chips are the KLSE stronghold.

I am now still far from my RM80k targets. It may takes a year to reach that figure, but I believe I can make more. Thus, I may look for other opportunities around in order to raise that figure.
As I make this fortune alone, it's tough road ahead as we know that, 2 is better than 1. If I am still in Malaysia, I may need years to achieve that target. As I calculated, I need to sacrifice for a year or 2 in order to achieve my financial security. Financial freedom is still far ahead, where I may need 15 years to reach it.

Every person's investment ideas may vary, but, my play is "A rich people has their own way of playing, a poor people too has their own way. One can't build a Rome in a day, but where there is a will, there's a way!!!"