Thursday, October 14, 2010


I left the love world ever since I choose $ as my enjoyment, towards the pleasure of generating future's path to young retirement. It always takes 2 to tango, to follow the path together. Yet, I choose to walk alone up till now, till I am tired and achieve half of my dreams. I used to think of giving my heart 100%. Somehow, it's drained and I saw the lights towards the end. The starting has just begun after the ending of a story. It's just like a dream. A long winded dream, that I should wake up long time ago. I wasted my time living in that dream before. Totally 5 years.

I should have come here earlier. If I am alone, i can only find $ a pleasure, but if I am with someone, I would give it all. On 23rd June 2007, I took a deep thought. I made the right move in dismantling the mental block, that has blockaded my sane mind. Never ever sacrifice for something that is in the unknown, unworthy territory. Now I shall play a closed game, Queen's Gambit Declined, a quiet, calm moves, full with positional ideas.

Now, I want to regain back my lost time. I believe I am near to that. I just need to learn more things in the work. I thank those bosses for guiding and be patience with me, as I am still learning more things everyday. If there is no problems, then there would be no job for us. :) Learning just never ends. I hope to learn everything within 2011, and managed my financials in a top condition. If I ever have 1 million, I will make 30% from it. Too bad, that I don't have such amount. Everything needs sacrifices, just whether it's a sound sacrifices or not. Nothing is perfect in this world, but you need to carve the raw diamond into a shining diamond.

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