Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday 22nd July

I had a thought about my investment strategies. I changed quite a lot of strategies which suit me the best. I realized that I need to consolidate my investment instead of diversifying too much. I took quite a number of risks in 2012 resulting in gains and losses. It's a lesson that it's not a heavy losses, yet, the gains did covered the losses, resulting in no losses for 2012.

As we reached the 2nd quarter, I will put some of my investments in long term approach as I am not a day trader like others. Just put there and let it raise while getting my dividends. Hope that the dividends will cover my future house instalments by a few months. I am planning for 2013 purchase for my first house. Well, people said that 1st house is for own stay instead of investing purpose. So I will just buy 1 and travel every weekend back to take care of the house and my car of course. It's gonna be a house without a queen. Wish I can have 1 as a Queen of my house. I will work extra hard starting tomorrow. Of course health is important too.

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