It's already September and few more months, it's going to be 2011. My new resolutions would be:
1. Clearing all my PTPTN debts in Dec 2010
2. Clearing all my car loan in Jan 2011 or November 2010
3. Invest 50% in Shares, Save 40% in Savings (house), Spend 10% (vacations) every 3 months.
4. Vacation to HK / Taiwan (if got GF, sponsor her go as well - 1st promise)
5. Get an iPhone 4
6. Dato' Arthur Tan Chess Championship (Merdeka) or Selangor Open 2011 (May)
7. Amass more REITs for Dividend play
8. Open Singapore bank account - Feb 2011.
9. Get bro a LCD / LED TV as house warming in May.
Maybe there are few more that I can't think of them now. The day I decided to call it quits, would be the day I turned from a moth to a butterfly. I looked for investment chances around and now I am ready for global investment chances. Learning bit by bit, day by day.
In Nov 15 and 16, I have to go back to cancel some of my credit cards. I intend to have only 1 credit card and not to use it unless necessary.
How true. Love is about discovery of finest parts in an ordinary person, not to be in a rat race of finding Mr/Ms Perfect----afterall, IF you happened to find one---would you be his/her Ms/Mr Perfect as well? Haa.... Gambade senior. :)
If I ever found 1, I will treasure her with everything till my last breathe, but it takes 2 to tango. A person's beauty is not at the exterior, but the beauty comes from the heart.
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