Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year 2009

New Year 2009 is coming to town. The past 2008 is just a past that could only be remembered.
Learn from the past, to better the present and to plan for the future.

My resolutions for 2009:

1. Finish my master
I have been dragging too long and lost myself in the pool. I have to motivate myself to move on within this 6 months. I'd set my goals and gonna turn myself to a new leaf. I am gonna changed for good.

2. Push my National Chess Rating above 1600.
My love for chess is enormous. Though I may not be the best chess player, but it's the fun and excitement that keeps me awake.

3. Plan and upkeep my finance
I need to plan my finances and see the liquidity. There are too many investments being made and I need to finance a lot of things.

4. Business.
I need to see the priorities of job and my future. I will not give up but I need to slow things down as I need to finish what is unfinished before starting a new project.

5. Plan for a House
I am preparing my finances for the year 2009 and see myself in 2010 whether am I able to own a property of my own. Let's just see.

In this 2009, there is no relationship resolutions as I let what the destiny decides for me. The year shall be a peaceful and full with excitement waiting for me in 2009. Successes is within my hand if i Dare to Dream, Dare to Think and importantly, Dare to Do!!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Dear senior (oh my my identity is exposed already haha), I will be supportive!!! I believe that, you can achieve what you hope for. Go and reach for the star, don't just look at it from afar. Jia you add oil gear up! hahahaha..... :) :) :)

Your cute(!!!) junior CW