Monday, December 27, 2010

Rubber Stocks

With a few of the good rubber companies in Malaysia, if I have enough bullet, I will wait for the next round of investing in it. Rubber stocks have been facing some knocks lately due to latex soaring prices. With that, the nett profits drop and affected the companies revenue. Everyone is looking at properties bubble, but will there be commodities bubble? Every commodities has been soaring to new high. It'll take a toll on the companies that rely on the commodities. The effect will then be passed to the consumers.

I aim for at least 3 rubber stocks. I have one in mind at this moment, and if it does hit my entry price, I will grab that for sure as my investment. I have telecommunications, petrochemicals, alcohols and REIT as my portfolio. I do hope that I can make some from the rubber stocks. I am just waiting for it to drop, as now it is still dropping.

At the same time, I dropped the idea of iPhone 4. Too many procedures to apply or get one in Singapore. Maybe getting a camera would be more realistic. Would 2011 be a fine run where everyone is predicting a super bull run? Will that last when everything is hitting new high?

I will be changing my SG phone number in 2011 to lessen the cost of it, since prepaid would be more viable for me as I am using less to call out.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Non Stop Wedding Dinner

Finally, final wedding dinner finished. It was a great time meeting friends around. Got good and bad. My newly 6 month's Phone, W995 died all of a sudden. It has to pave way for my iPhone 4, though it's under warranty. I wished not to change SIM card all the time.

It seems that everyone starts to buy house for own stay. I wish to buy 1 too but not at this moment due to high commitment in stocks. Owning Petronas Chemical, Carlsberg, Maxis and SunREIT do give me some liquid appreciation. I wish to invest more before purchasing a property. I wish I can invest another Rm60k into the REIT plays for dividend to support my property purchase in the future. Let the money generate the money for me in REIT play.

It's true that if I borrow 300k loan from the bank for 30 years, I will end up giving the bank 1 free house. So in order to achieve financial stability, I intend to borrow only 60% if there is a way to do that. One of the way is to generate more liquids by stock investments. I just want to settle my house loan in 5 years if there is 100% share appreciation, but that will remains as a goal.

I am positive with Carlsberg share appreciation. It's share price is not just RM6+, but RM8+. With it's Carlsberg Singapore generating more income, I believe there is more room for growth it purchases other brands as well to fight against it's competitors. The only bad side would be the sin tax impose on it is very high. Hope that the Malaysian government do think of the consequences by raising the alcohol sin tax.

In 2011, I will have iPhone 4, Nikon D7000 (end of January), Jay Chou concert (March) and Lasik (April), as the short term gratitude. I wish that I can finish learning all the work related stuff. There are lots more to learn. Learning just never finish. I downloaded a few books that's worth few hundreds. I need to strengthen myself with knowledges. After that, I plan for a vacation in September, October or November. Taiwan, HK, Korea or Japan or maybe any other countries that I want to visit for the 1st time.

As for properties, just wait and see how is my liquidity goes. I intend to up my assets instead of liabilities. I need to generate passive incomes to finance the properties too, that is my REIT.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Investment 2010

So far, all the investments in 2010 yield positive results. It's an amazing year. I had been following Warren Buffet's idea at this moment. If I have all the bullets around, I will yield more than 50% ROI. I just bought in Petronas Chemical and with the possible news that will bring the company to greater heights. I expect that the price will reach RM10 within 2-3 years, to be in line with the other subsidiaries.

I am now on the lookout for more possible companies that can give me investments return. 2011 is coming and will there be a super bull run?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

End of November

November will end soon. My 'toudai' Christine got married and I attended the wedding dinner. Glad that she liked the necklace that I bought for her wedding. Price is not a matter because it's her big day anyway. She is just like a small Sister to me. Wish her and her husband be in healthy and prosperous forever.

I am so tired in November. Having to rush the job task and investigations, I had fever because of that. I still coughed until now. I need to cure my cough now. Maybe a doctor visit tomorrow will help that. I wonder where did I put my medicine.

I invested Petronas Chemical yesterday. I believed that this company has the cream to be the top performer to reach RM10 in a year. Unfortunately, Korea War intimidation happened at the wrong time that caused a major sell down in Asia. Well, I personally don't believe that the war will happen. South Korea has too many foreign investments. US will protect its interest in the country, though China will back North Korea for sure. Let's pray that the war won't happen. I will focus in REIT play for the next few months for more dividend play. I am buying the company values instead of gambling.

Today, I just bought 2 concert tickets: Jay Chou. It's songs bring me to another level, curing my every sadness in life, bringing me to the brighter side of the world. It livens up my chess life to "Never Give Up" state.

I decided to do my Lasik in April 2011 by taking 2 weeks leave for recovery purpose. I hope that my boss will approve my leave for that. Well, I surely need to finish a task beforehand so that I can go for my Lasik, or else, I won't be feeling good leaving the unfinished task tested. That's the responsibility that I have to carry on.

On 11th December, I will attend Bill's wedding in JB, thus I will go to visit a specialist in JB for Nostril surgery consultation. Hope that I can fix a date for that surgery in mid January. It's better to fix up my health state to top condition. There're many things to do in 2011. I have a dream, a dream that either me or everyone on Earth would dream of "Retirement". I wish to retire in 15 years time if God gives me the chance. It's always a Dream that I want to play chess everyday. It's just a dream until it becomes a Goal.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Country in DEBT

I read through Bloomberg and after Greece's financial turmoil, now it's Ireland turn. Is this a sign that the economy is still in a stalemate. With the America's own bail out, is that a correct choice? Ever since the Sub-prime mortgage issues loomed in the US, things actually moved too fast. Pumping cash to bail out those dying companies, that may impact on the worldwide - employment and GDP.

Most of the people saw it worked at first in rescuing it's own market, but will that stop others too? I believe money is always moving around. There will always be a winner and a loser. Else, how would one earn money from stocks or commodities.

It's still my concern as to whether should I invest heavily. The ISM charts is still in a quite stable state. That means demand is still there. But, those would be from the US's own cash injection into the economy. Unemployment rate is still high up there at 10%. Even our own KLSE rises till 1500 since March 2010. It's just too fast as compared to the previous years. What will happen when it stagnant?

I would be glad if the whole market collapses. From there, I can accumulate all the good yield shares.

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 2010

This month comes to an end soon. I will go to Seremban tomorrow to attend a wedding dinner. It has been a long time since I went to Seremban. Hoping to have the delicious food there. I would like to thank Eve for giving me the tips to load on to Hartalega and made some fortune out of it. I must give her a dinner for that. Hopefully I can make 30% gain from the investments by the end of 2010 through dividends, profits or paper gain.

I am now aiming for another top blue chip that will be listing next month. I expect that it will rise to the occasion as it has all the backings in the Government. I shall go back to KL on Nov 13-17 just because of that. I am expecting 100% return from that investment.

This month, I went to have a beer session with my colleague. There we met a few new friends. A Japanese girl, 2 Londoner friends and 2 locals. It's nothing much, just chit chat and get to know since we were sitting at the same table. I got to sharpen back my Japanese language then. Maybe I will join them for some beer session in the future. They are going to have Halloween Party tomorrow, but too bad, I can't join.

Therefore, I had an exciting paintball with my colleagues. It was fun shooting around. The bosses were great. Some of them were in the NS before. Even a commando played like Rambo. It's quite tiring after that. Then we proceed to have lunch at Upper Thompson. The prata and the mutton curry was very nice. Wish to go to play paintball again if I can find some paintball 'kaki'.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I left the love world ever since I choose $ as my enjoyment, towards the pleasure of generating future's path to young retirement. It always takes 2 to tango, to follow the path together. Yet, I choose to walk alone up till now, till I am tired and achieve half of my dreams. I used to think of giving my heart 100%. Somehow, it's drained and I saw the lights towards the end. The starting has just begun after the ending of a story. It's just like a dream. A long winded dream, that I should wake up long time ago. I wasted my time living in that dream before. Totally 5 years.

I should have come here earlier. If I am alone, i can only find $ a pleasure, but if I am with someone, I would give it all. On 23rd June 2007, I took a deep thought. I made the right move in dismantling the mental block, that has blockaded my sane mind. Never ever sacrifice for something that is in the unknown, unworthy territory. Now I shall play a closed game, Queen's Gambit Declined, a quiet, calm moves, full with positional ideas.

Now, I want to regain back my lost time. I believe I am near to that. I just need to learn more things in the work. I thank those bosses for guiding and be patience with me, as I am still learning more things everyday. If there is no problems, then there would be no job for us. :) Learning just never ends. I hope to learn everything within 2011, and managed my financials in a top condition. If I ever have 1 million, I will make 30% from it. Too bad, that I don't have such amount. Everything needs sacrifices, just whether it's a sound sacrifices or not. Nothing is perfect in this world, but you need to carve the raw diamond into a shining diamond.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Investments' Ideas

Commodities rise a lot for the past few months. Gold, Iron, Oil and etc, rise since 2008. Everyone shift their attention to the commodities, investing in Gold. The world economy is still fragile, but that's where the money lies around. Stocks is no longer one of the option for investors to look at. I for sure, will not leave stocks for commodities investment. I have an idea of playing stocks in Malaysia. REIT is not a new thing but in Malaysia, it's still consider new. With an average return 6-9% yearly for most of the REITs, it's a defensive play instead of investing in Unit Trust. Why want to let people manage the stocks when I myself can manage the REITs myself.

If I have RM1 million, I will put all of it in the REITs separately, in order to earn those dividends quarterly or every 6 months. For an example, RM80k REIT investment, with returns of 8% yearly, returns RM6400 yearly. An estimated RM533 monthly. The REIT appreciations are note accounted yet. It's not much, but it's just an additional pocket money for defensive play. It gives return better than FD, UT and Investment Links.

At this moment, I'd invested quite heavily on blue chips and 1 REIT. I may continue to monitor around. If it drops more in the market, I shall keep on buying as what drops, will rise to the occasion. This idea is only applicable in Malaysia, where blue chips are the KLSE stronghold.

I am now still far from my RM80k targets. It may takes a year to reach that figure, but I believe I can make more. Thus, I may look for other opportunities around in order to raise that figure.
As I make this fortune alone, it's tough road ahead as we know that, 2 is better than 1. If I am still in Malaysia, I may need years to achieve that target. As I calculated, I need to sacrifice for a year or 2 in order to achieve my financial security. Financial freedom is still far ahead, where I may need 15 years to reach it.

Every person's investment ideas may vary, but, my play is "A rich people has their own way of playing, a poor people too has their own way. One can't build a Rome in a day, but where there is a will, there's a way!!!"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brian's Autumn's Concerto 2

Today I saw this quote: Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly. It's true especially when you fall in love with someone that can really blind the vision of every weaknesses. Every weaknesses become strengths. But how far can this statement be. Someone told me this "Don't stand too near to the tree, try to walk few steps behind, look at the leaves, fruits... is it worth for you to sacrifice? Look around you, you deserve better one" This powerful words made me awake all of a sudden as if being hypnotized for so long. This magical words really made up my mind instantly. From there, I made my first step to walk even further ahead.

It's already September and few more months, it's going to be 2011. My new resolutions would be:
1. Clearing all my PTPTN debts in Dec 2010
2. Clearing all my car loan in Jan 2011 or November 2010
3. Invest 50% in Shares, Save 40% in Savings (house), Spend 10% (vacations) every 3 months.
4. Vacation to HK / Taiwan (if got GF, sponsor her go as well - 1st promise)
5. Get an iPhone 4
6. Dato' Arthur Tan Chess Championship (Merdeka) or Selangor Open 2011 (May)
7. Amass more REITs for Dividend play
8. Open Singapore bank account - Feb 2011.
9. Get bro a LCD / LED TV as house warming in May.

Maybe there are few more that I can't think of them now. The day I decided to call it quits, would be the day I turned from a moth to a butterfly. I looked for investment chances around and now I am ready for global investment chances. Learning bit by bit, day by day.

In Nov 15 and 16, I have to go back to cancel some of my credit cards. I intend to have only 1 credit card and not to use it unless necessary.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Brian's Autumn's Concerto

I spent 3 years working as fugitive in UM, trying for soul searching. Men worries about 4 things: Love, Family, Career and Financial. I used to put Love as the 1st priority over the others, till someone gave me a precious quote that changed my whole world in 2007. I still remember vividly the day I was at the Sukan Antara Staf-staf Universiti Malaysia, in Perlis, I had to fight 11 rounds against my opponents. That time, my mind was not in a good state as I was considering whether should I drop the idea. The thinking made me a cruel-some beast on the board, where I won 7.5 / 11 points. When I was on my way back to KL, I didn't sleep much on the bus, that I gave myself a final chance. It was my birthday during that travel time, in the end, I decided to put a full stop to it. I buried all the promises in the graveyard. From then on, I choose chess as my best friend, whom I shall speak to, for I managed to get my FIDE rating in 2010.

During the past 3 years, I searched what's the reason I live for. I started to learn what is investment. Some losses and some winnings, that's part of the price for learning real life experiences. After all the long journey, it's like a long winded road, which I should have taken it long time ago. I should have put career as my 1st priority from the early. I realized that life is not just like a screensaver. There are obstacles everywhere that I need to go through. I should have come to Singapore early for my career advancement. With this, I thank those who had given me the moral support when I was feeling lowest in my life. You just know who you were.

Today I watched Taiwan drama, Autumn's Concerto. It's a very touching drama that I wept over it. I realized how fortunate we are. Be grateful for what we have. It's about love. The feeling that I have lost touch for a very long time. My main priority now is to build a fortune. Hopefully I can settle my car loan and PTPTN within 5-6 months. It's best if I can paid them up fast. Whatever is borrowed, must be paid back. That's the policy to be a human. If I ever come across Love again, I will see the person's personality. Sometimes, the one a person marries is not the one he/she loves the most.

In 2011, I have readied my resolutions. Wait for the next postings.......... To be continued..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Life in Singapore 2

There are many things I have yet to learn. Hope that I can cope with the task given. If there is a chance, I would like to work in Singapore for a longer term. I should have come here earlier, if I could awake earlier. Living in Singapore is quite boring but for the sake of living, sacrifices is inevitable. The moment I reached here, I'd received a few business chances that I am working out now.

At the same time, I entered Kuantan Chess Rapid Open 2010, and won 8th placing. I learnt some of the chess principles myself. I lost 2 games which I shouldn't lost due to blunder, but I won 5 games. The last games was really taxing, trying to gain advantage from the start. My opponent miscalculated and blunder a position that he thought he could win. I saw that earlier, but it just won't work, as I will lose a Queen for 2 rooks, but I will have 2 rooks and 1 bishop with 2 pass pawn.

Now, I have to rush my task given. it's kind of new to me for leaving this programming world for quite a long time. C#. Though I continue with Java, they are still similar except the new technologies used. Learning just never ends. The company gives me chances, and I must take it.

At the same time, I met with my relatives in Johor and cousin sister in Singapore. Things changed quite a lot. It has been 10 years, I haven't met them for a long time. Glad that they are living in a healthy state. I told my cousin, that I will keep fit for 3 months, to drop 10kg. Some promises made for that too.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life In Singapore 1

I am in Singapore for 4 months. I didn't realize that time can catch up so fast. During the past 4 months, I learnt a lot of things. Colleagues are great. Places I stay is considered great. I must make full use of the facilities given. The only problem is time to travel to work is a little bit fr. Hope I can continue learning with the chance given to me by the company. Learning always never end. I would like to go for a vacation If I saved enough money. Well, I saved enough but I intend to pay full amount for my PTPTN next year. Just entered a bit to my investment. Though not much, but hope it can generate some passive incomes for me.

It was a boring time for me during weekends. I ended up sitting at home, surfing net and watching TVBs. It did save me a lot too without going anywhere. In September onwards,, I will hire a GM to teach me professional chess.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1 mth in SG

Well, the life in SG is hectic and busy. I have to learn the things the hard way from 0. Hopefully I won't burden my colleagues who already understand the whole flows. I really need to catch up with them to understand the whole program flows.

My eyes' power increase all of a sudden. It cost me RM750 to buy a new spectacles. It's 12am now. I couldn't sleep. I think that I must make the project work to have my 1st passive income. May God bless me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Malaysian Politics

I saw this headline from a Blog

Datuk Hee? So ‘Hee-larious’!

Then i heard someone talk about character assassination from someone on the news.....He's no difference too...Is that our Malaysian morality nowadays? By poking fun of other people's name?

When other people start to hop around into his party, he welcomes them, but when they leaves his party, he condemned them. That's how a human being can be from what I see. I can only see 3 or 4 fellows opposition always on the newspaper, whilst the rest seems disappear as if the party belongs to themselves. I despised such a leader instead of party hoppers, just like follow the winds when the wind blows around.

The FINE RM1k is actually a good thing to punish those people who speeds too fast on the highway. I am sure that those poor people will know that not to speed too. Though times are bad, but it's to cultivate morality on the road....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Leaving to Work in Singapore 8mths ++

I must thank many people for giving me the support and trust. So many things happened during the past that I want to leave the country for a moment to seek my true self. My company gave me chances to go outside to learn more things and thus I shall take this opportunity to wipe all the past memories and re-seek myself, transform into a more developed person. I am grateful that CHESS accompanies me when I am up or down. Through that, I am able to stand up for every downs I faced in the past.

I want to seek more knowledge and gain more confidence in life. I want to see the outside world and share experiences. I used to put LOVE as the 1st priority, but ever since then, it was gone in the air or reside in the 3rd placing after FAMILY and CAREER. My vows stop after something was achieved and the time to proceed to next level begins long ago.

I may look tough previously, but which wasn't, but with the supports around, I am able to go through it. Thank you everyone, and if you feel that you are the One this thanks go to, that's you.

It was the day I sang in the Karaoke yesterday, I realized that I no longer sing the Sad and broken hearted songs. I had evolved into a different person.

Life evolves to other stages, the moment the vows meet the requirements. It's the moment to proceed to New Life... Never Give Up...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FIDE March 2010 Released!!!

I saw the FIDE Rating list today at . I shall retire from FIDE Rated tournaments. It's really taxing to be sitting there 4 hours just to complete a game. As long as the rating is above 1800, that's fine for me. With this, I had achieved one of my goal.

I read a statement from somewhere that says "Poor people has dreams, rich people has goals." That's what makes the difference in investments. No pain no gain. I would play solid and safety ways just like my preferences in chess, Queen's Gambit, Semi-Slav and Sicillian.

2010 Resolutions is not a dream but goals!!!

Goal 1: Accumulate resources to invest.
Goal 2: Achieve career growth.

With this I officially RETIRED FROM FIDE RATED TOURNAMENTS!!!! Goodbye FIDE....If there is anyone looking for me to teach their children to play chess, I am willing to...but charge minimal fees of course... :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


It has been awhile since I have stop writing. Finally, I had achieved my FIDE rating and got a new job. Life has been so good so far. I constantly read about relationship stuff at's Cupid Corner. Well, I still remember that someone there told me this: "Don't stand near the tree too much, step backward and you shall see the whole tree, whether is it worth to sacrifice, if the answer is no, then thou shall look around and know that you are bless with someone worth in the forest...." Love is not a one sided relationship as it takes 2 to tango. I came across a topic in the forum. It's amazing how this gal can hang on to such guy. Let's call it, A is the gal, B is the guy.

A and B are colleagues in an office, and they started the relationship there too. A is just a simple girl wanting some security and love, while B seems to be on the offensive and controlling everything. B dislikes A talking to guys, even to colleagues or worse still MSN. They quarrel quite often coz of some even petty things. A is so weak that she got scolded too even during vacation to somewhere. Many forumers would ask this gal to break up with the guy. A wanted too but will always patch back with B.

In this scenario, constant quarrel is a bad sign to relationship. The B's ego and ungentle man side towards his own gf should be publicly condemn. Even the gal too, is living in the state of denial where she hope there is still a hope in the relationship or probably scared that age is catching up to her. If only someone would tell her the above statement, life would be easier. It takes 2 to tango.

Maybe gonna read more and see other stories as well.